birth of Silek Minang was at the same time of the birth of Minangkabau land
that was promoted by Dt. Marajo Panjang from Padang Panjang and Dt. Bandaharo
Kayo from Pariangan. From the thought of Dt. Marajo Panjang and Dt. Bandaharo
kayo, born three orriginal law ;
1. Laws of Simumbang Jatuah
2. Laws of Sigamak - Gamak
3. Laws of Silamo - Lamo
three laws than were become the standart of law of the two Datuk; Dt. Perpatiah
nan Sabatang and Dt. Ketumanggungan.which was called "Bajanjang Naiak
Batanggo Turun". At that time Dt. Suri Dirajo created the science of
self defence which is known as "Silek". Before than, Dt. Suri Dirajo
had inherited the science of self defence (not silek) from his father Cati
Bilang Pandai and Sultan Maharajo Dirajo, the science of self defence inherited
by his father was called "Gayuang".
is a science of self defense used to fight or to defeat the rival,
while Gayuang consist of two sort; Physical Gayuang and Mental Gayuang.
What it mean by "Gayuang Lahir" (Physical Gayuang) is to
kick with a toe to three killing targets or more well, known with
"Sajangka Duo Jari" (two fingers measurement).
And the target is arround the neck (Adam Apple), pit of stomach, and the
both upper of legs or the penis. This target than ,has been the main source
of the creation of Silek. The science
of Gayuang Angin (Mental) is a fight technique to defeat the rival with
the strength mentality source to the three vital target in the body; heart,
lymph gland and liver. There is also another mental fight, this is not
so called "Gayuang" since it is used some tools or another mediums.
This form of science could be varied; Sijundai, Tinggam, Sewai, Parmayo
and so forth. |
science is still kept by the old people of Minangkabau up to this time which
is known as a saving science (Panaruahan).
Beside "Gayuang science" owned by Dt. Suri Dirajo, he also inherited
self defence science from the four followers of Sultan Maharajo Dirajo ; Kuciang
Siam, Harimau Campo, Kambiang Hutan and Anjieng Mualim.
Kuciang Siam
Kuciang Siam is a Follower of Sultan Maharajo Dirajo called Ko-Chin who comes
from Siam now called Muangthai (Thailand). It was honoured to Ko-Chin becouse
of the science of self defence he owned teoritically represented the movement
of cat and too the characteristic of cat.
Harimau Campo
Harimau Campo or Campa, was the follower of Sultan Maharajo Dirajo who comes
from Kampuchea and the name was honoured becouse of the science of self defence
he owned was totally the artificial of tiger movement.
Kambiang Hutan
Kambiang Hutan, whose the first name was Kan-Bin, is and expert of self defense
from Cambay the nothern of Malabar, from the movement of his self defence
artified the goat movement, he was honoured to the name of Kambiang Hutan.
Anjieng Mualim
Was called Anjieng Mualimbecouse of the science of his self defence as well
as the strategy of fight to defeat the rival artivied the movement of dog.
His real name was An-Jin, who comes from southern Hindi or Persian and the
word mualim here means the navigator.
To Dt. Suri Dirajo all inherited science he had was confailed one with the
different result from the original one. This science is nowadays known with
Silek Usali (original Silek), after ward is known as Silek Tuo (an Old Silek).
The development of Silek was
begun as the development of Minangkabau land. The development of Minangkabau
land was coused by the deusely populated of Pariangan people that time. Sultan
Maharajo Dirajo, however, was assigned his followers to lead the team in the
development mission in that area.
At that period, the group lead by Harimau Campo was assigned to bring the
group to Luhak Agam (Luhak at this time was not approved as regency), and
Kan-Bin (Kambiang Hutan) was assigned to dwell Luhak Lima Puluh, and Kuciang
Siam was directed to Lasi region while Anjieng Mualim brought his group to
the foreign land.
From the development of the region, in fact was becoming the development of
the education of "silek" Minangkabau, that the name was not Silek
Tuo anymore or Silek Usali, but nowadays is varied base on the name of the
region (area) and the teacher. Just as Silek Harimau Campo, Kambiang Hutan,
Anjieng Mualim, Kuciang Siam, than, developed in accordance to the regional
development like Silek Pakih Rabun, Silek Lintau, Silek Inyiak Uban, Silek
Starlak, Batu Mandi, Kumango, Silek Pauah, and so forth. Beside Silek, Minangkabau
always follows the development of region (area) and science. Principally,
the source of Silek Minangkabau derived from a single source created by Dt.
Suri Dirajo. And development of Minangkabau area become more bigger which
was stated in the history that the eastern Minangkabau was the old Malay area
(melayu tua) and the northern covered Sriwijaya.
This was supported by a Budhisht
priest, I'Tsing on his way home to China from his journey to Hindi 671. the
most interesting thing to I'Tsing was a meanwhile of his journey to the capital
area "Mo - Lo - Yoe" (Melayu) situated in the valley of Left Kampar
and Right Kampar rivers in which at noon he had stopped on his own head shadow,
that means it was situated under the equator line.
In addition to development of Silek Minangkabau which has been developed as
well as development of new area. And as it has been stated earlier that the
assignment of team to develop the area by Dt. Suri Dirajo and Dt. Nan Baduo
( Dt. Perpatiah nan Sabatang and Dt. Ketumanggungan) the science of Silek
Minangkabau had been varied ;
The science of Silek Harimau Campo
As it has been stated earlier that Harimau Campo was commandedto lead
the team to the area of Luhak Agam. As it is familiar to Minangkabau people
in Agam, the son of Tiger from Luhak Agam. "Harimau Campo" was
also teach Silek Tuo (an olld Silek) to his generations which was dominanthy
coloured with imitation movements of tiger from his home land.
The science of Silek Kuciang Siam
As well as science of Silek Minangkabau developed in Canduang Lasi, thought
by Kuciang Siam to his generations, prncipally was still Silek Tuo (an
old Silek), but the movement was basically dominant with the movements
of Cat, as the house pet to protect from the disturbance of rats. Cat
movements are extremely soft and calm but too dangerous of it has caught
its, when it is felt down on smashed, the first falling was its feets
and would not be soundly, just like not step on the ground. In the movement
of Silek, there is a movement called "Jatuah Kuciang" means
fall down like cat.
The science of Silek Kambiang Hutan
Kan-Bin or Kambiang Hutan who was from Cambay northern Malabar was also
inherited the science of Silek Tuo or Silek Usali thought by Dt. Suri
Dirajo. The science of Silek Kambiang Hutan developed in the area of Luhak
Lima Puluh Kota, the caracteristic of this kind of Silek acts more movements
beside using hands it is also using head struck and feet crossing unsuspected
by the rivals.
Silek Aseli (Silek Tuo) an Old Silek
Of the science of gayuang belonged to Dt. Suri Dirajo and its combination
with the three sort of Silek above, was created a type of Silek varied
from self-defence from Tanah Basa (the Basic Land). Caught this sort of
Silek was so called Silek Langkah Tigo (three steps Silek) or Silek Usali
than was named Silek Tuo, basically the main source was Gayuang or most
well known with the target "Sajangka Duo Jari"
The science of Silek Anjieng Mualim
Anjing Mualim was the name of An-jin from the southern of Hindi Persian
or Gujarat, this science of Silek developed in Rantau Pesisir (foreign
shore). When we take for granted the existence of Bukit Barisan (mountain
range) streched from the North West to the Southern East, and from the
central to the South it could be seen the Mountaineus ethnics commencing
from Angola, Mandailing, Minangkabau, Lebong, Rawas, Relang Pasaman, Merapi
mountain, Seblat mountain, Kaba mountain, and Dempo Mountain, as well
as the river flows and goes to the estuary of these of Eastern Coast of
Sumatera. This was the area where An-Jin leader for the development of
foreign area as well as the grow of its society. This kind of Silek used
the fighting movement and defence in form of circle.
(target) is the place to teach the pupil (Anak Sasian) of the Silek. There were
some ways or some requirements should be done firstly according to "Alua
jo Patuik" or prequisite generated, among than to bleed the sasaran with
cock blood
The education of Silek base on "Tau digarak jo Garik" (understanable)
which need awareness and solid decision as the advice as follow;
Tahu dibayang kato sampai
Tahu di tunggua kamanaruang
Tahu dirantiang kamalantiang
Alun bakilek alah bakalam
Which means
Know what is being said
Know what is being danger
Know what is going to hurt
Think deeply before an action
And the prequisite to be a "Pandeka" (Pendekar) (a Hero) is knowing
of Garak jo Garik (aim and action). Garak in Minangkabau dialeck does not mean
action, this mean an aim or a qesture. Or it can be said deep feeling, while
Garik means action which can be visible so that it could be avoided, stoped,
caught or locked.
The influence of custom law is so strongly in Minangkabau which is totally helpful
in formation of the soul of Minangkabau Pendekar such as
Yang bajanjang naiak batanggo
Batatah babarih, jauah buliah ditunjuakkan
Dakek buliah dipacikkan, cancang mamampeh
Ndak lapuak dek hujan , ndak lakang dek paneh
Which means;
- Respectful
- Trustful
- Honesty
- Loyality
the Islamic Religion spreaded rapidly in Minangkabau land, the development of
Silek was rapidly progressing adapted with the teaching of Islamic.
The development of Silek was event crossing to Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia). This
can be proved by the first Minangkabau people who arrived in Negeri Sembilan,
Dt. Raja with Tok Seri, and the were carried out a village named Kampung Galau,
than was followed by Dt. Raja from the familly Dt. Bandaharo Pangulu Alam and
dwell in the village Sungai Layang. In the next period it was followed by St
(sutan) Sumaniak and Johan Kebesaran and dwelled in Gunung Pasir, and so too
Dt. Putiah and Sari Lamak who at last dwelled in Seri Menanti.
The first king who firstly governed in Malacca was the king Malewar (1773 -
1795) and from this we could comprihended that the science of Silek of Malay
people which they said the science of Silek "Seni Gayong" derived
from Gayuang Minangkabau, which had been modified according to the perriod and
the area.
Budhisht Philosopy (Mahayana)
Budhisht teach three main principes that is called for Tri Ratna (three Diamonds);
Budha, Dharma and Sangha.
- Budha, as the reference in the life time
for its followers
- Dharma, becomes a convince to the Budhist
- Sangha, participants of Bhiksu - Budha
that can be followed and entered by everyone regardless the level.
In doing the Dharma, it means a must to live
or a law for Budhist, in doing Dharma a Budhisht need to get two things just
like being owned by Sang Cakyamuni (Budha Gautawa)
The two things are ;
Ariya Atthangiko Magga, the main fact
(the truth)
a. the right truth
b. the right words
c. the right will/need
d. the right attitude (a - d) to all people
e. the right way of life
f. the right motifation in leaving laws
g. the right will in leaving laws
h. the right meditation (e - h) to all Bhiksu
12 chains
twelfe chains is those who has reached the eight right/truth way obedivecly,
added by the four grades'
- the first grade, is approved to enter budhist religion
- the second grade, reborn once more
- the third grade, cannot be born again
- the fourth grade, has reached Archat
That is why Budha Gautama is only the reflexion
(Awatara) of Amitabha (absolute Budha)in the pray it is called; Tzan-ti - O,
Tzan-ti, Amitabha. In this pray it could be clearly seen the combination (sinkritism)
between Budhist and Chinese
- The word Tzan-ti is the God of Konghu-tsu
- While Amitabha is the God of Budhisht
In the budhisht temple (Vihara Budha), China
(Vihara Sao-lin) lacated in Honan Province it has succeded to change the Chinese
science of Martial Art, in which contains a combination of this three thought
of philosopy, in Shao-Lin temple, in fact, is thought meditation to reach the
strength of Magi.
The science of Chinese martial art is known by the name of Chou-Shu, which means
science of self defence,while Kung-Fu is a technique and expression of Chou-Shu,
one of them that has become a well known Chinese style of martial art beside
Kung-Fu is Tai-Chi. This sort stresses the strength of "inside power"
source from Taoisme taught. Tai-Chi, in this case, means "above all",
above all is a magic power. This sort of power could be created inside the body
of human being just like those who goes this word "Yang and Ying"
- Yang is the man's power to go all nature
existed on the sky
- Ying is a power accompained the power created by man, example to a female
such as earth.
In the development of Chinese martial art,
it can be seen two forms of martial art party that has given specific colour
to the Kung-Fu that is the movements os Shao-Lin straight combined with Tai-Chi
movement system, followingby the filling of inside power. In this situation,
in fact, a fighter has a protective power to all desease too.
Traditional Minangkabau of Silek generally has a skill to treat their pupils
if some how they have an accident in fighting, minimally a teacher of Silek
knows how to treat phisical illness suffered by a fighter and so too mental
illness, either coused by longway hit from the rival or coused by another matters
apart from medical science reachness. Actuallly, the training of Silek is held
at night in accordance to the mistery of Silek education herited from generation
to generation.
In the beginning of the fall of Minangkabau
Kingdom there were also reformations of science of Silek in Minangkabau. Islam
(Syi'ah) developed in Minangkabau in 1150. three young pilgrimage of Minangkabau
came home from Mecca in 1803, to reform Islam, that was has chance had accured
a political chaos in Minangkabau. The three pilgrimager were ;
- Haji Miskin from Luhak Tanah Datar whose
Mosque was in his homeland Pandai Sikat
- Haji Piobang from Luhak Lima Puluh Kota
- Haji Sumaniak from Luhak Agam
The three man came home to Minangkabau to
the purpose of Islamic Reformation, from Syi'ah belief to Wahabi belief. In
this reformation era, the three were assisted by the five youngsters who has
deeply learned of Islamic. They were Tuanku nan Renceh from Kamang, Tuanku nan
Tuo from Cangkiang, Malin Putiah in Aia Tabik, Tuanku Pamansiang and Peto Syarif
in Bonjol or is well known as Imam Bonjol. They were, in fact, more well known
with the name of "Harimau nan Salapan" (the eight tiger).
The name of Harimau nan Salapan was honoured to them, in case of their way in
the reformation of Islamic that time was thought to be in violence which was
totally against by the custom groups. Lassly these eight tigers was more known
with "Harimau nan Sambilan" (nine tigers), since Tuanku Rao was becoming
the members of the group who came from Rao Pasaman, beside the religion expert,
they were also the developer of Silek in Minangkabau.
For the tima being, actually, the inheritance Silek "Langkah Tigo"
(three steps) or SilekTuo (an old Silek) started to be coloured dicussion an
opinion of Islam education. From this site, than varied names and partys of
Silek in Minangkabau started to develop, generally is perfected by the injection
of spiritual strenght through discussion and ritual activity done base on Islamic
The more develop the areas and their culture the more worse the Minangkabau
culture, aspecially Silek, more over the more invisible the history of originality
of Silek in Minangkabau. The names of Silek ideology existed and develop this
time was named on the man who teach it or on the area it comes from. This could
be seen from some Silek ideologies well known in Minangkabau.
Kumango is a region in Sungai Tarab, Tanah Datar regency. This was developedby
an Islamic developernamed Syech Abdurrahman or most well known with the
name Syech Kumango (1825). Beside teaching religion, Syech Kumango was
also teach the science of self defence Silek Tuo (an old Silek), which
was coloured the inspiration of Islamic. Up to this time this sort of
Silek has been called Silek Kumango, since the teacher was from Kumango.
To name of Silek ideology, from this case,
we can state that it was taken from the name of the region or area where it
derived from the man who taught it just as one of the pupil of Silek Kumango
, Malin Marajo, as he developed this kind of Silek in Batu Sangkar, the ideology
of his Silek was Called Silek Malin Marajo.
Beside some other provements; Silek Pakiah Rabun from Muaro Labuah, Silek Inyiak
Uban from Maninjau, Silek Lintau from Lintau a region in Lubuak Jantan area
in Lintau Buo Tanah Datar regency which was developed by St.(sutan)Ahmad Tuanku
Laras Lintau in the beginning of 19th Century.
Silek Starlak, from Kamang in Agam Regency developed by Ulud Bagindo Chatib
The development of the school of Silek as well as their names, however, has
a greater effect to the missunderstanding of the history of the grow of Silek
in Minangkabau. Beside the variation of Silek ideology developed in Minangkabau,
there has been lack of the existence of fighters of Silek in Minangkabau who
totally comprehend or know the history of the scienceof Silek Minangkabau. This
is, in fact, a sadly matter, in relevant to the progress of tchnology, most
Minangkabau people has been referringto the import habit from foreignt country
and more lack of the attention of the young people to the future of tradition
cultureand custom which is said "ndak lapuak dek hujan ndak lakang dek
paneh" (ever green)
And so that the education of Silek in Minangkabau at the moment seems to be
rare. This is, in fact, regarded as the very secret system of Silek education
itself, in which generally a teacher will teach his pupil at night, and so too
the inherite such education just like the following word; "kok ndak ado
nan sajangka cari nan saeto" (if there no a span find a cubicts).
This means in generating the science of Silek a teacher cannot teach it to every
people, but only to their generation only (their dinasty) like child, nephew,
or relative. Moreover in generating of science of Silek base on spiritual side,
ritual discussions which are so called "Panaruahan" or saving, that
why the population of Silek fighter in Minangkabau become more less than over.
This can be proved by the lackness of a training center of traditional Silek
in Minangkabau.
In Silek training center, pupils are not only taught the science of Silek but
also attitude, philosopy of life and Minangkabau custom and Culture. A pupil
will be called "pendekar" when he has deeply learned and greatly comprehend
the philosopy of life and Islamic religion teaching.
This can be said that experience is the best
teacher, the pupil will learn more from the nature and has a greater respect
to all thing he gets.
This ritual opinion "Alam Takambang Jadikan Guru" (nature is the best
teacher) has a greater meaning covered universe and it's contains.
In Teaching Silek science, formally, a Silek teacher
is also taught philosopy of life which is very useful in forming a personality
of Silek generating the skill of Silek, the pupil is also taught attitude,
courtesy and inner personality.
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